Preparing for a wedding could be a tedious process that has lots of things. Don't mistake the glamour you see during the wedding would be easy. People took several days of hard work to eventually achieve it. One area where you should be careful to avoid any embarrassment is in the manner you address your envelopes. You need to do some prior research especially on wedding invitation etiquette. It is very important and should not be overlooked as you plan for everything else. It is good to start addressing the invitation envelopes as soon as possible. Some of the organized couples who plan to wed will start addressing the envelopes as early as three months before the wedding date. It gives them ample of time and reduces the possibilities of making some mistakes.
The simple rules of wedding invitations etiquette should be followed as they will give the first great impression of you if they are followed well. It is good to have two envelopes, with the outer having the particulars of the person to whom you are sending the invitation while the inner envelope will be carrying various cards which will be sent. The inner envelope will be having the specific particulars of the guests you are inviting to your reception or wedding ceremony. It does not have the addresses of the recipient.
When you begin writing the envelopes, you will realize it is not as easy as you thought. Some of the important wedding invitation etiquette will include referring to a divorced female guest as Miss or Ms., similarly to a young unmarried lady. A young boy will be addressed to as Master while a grown up man as Mr. You should use other titles like Dr. Prof. etc as appropriately. The outer envelope will have both the names while the inner will be having only the title and the surname. In the inner envelope you will also include the guest who would come along with the invitee. In the list of guests it could include the children. If you are inviting someone, don't use the abbreviation of any of their names.
The general wedding invitation etiquette list is long and you will be forced to learn about it so that you don't address someone in an improper manner as people will feel very offended. Get the addressing tips for each person, whether divorced, staying together but not married, a widow and all people you need to invite. Get also the rules you will be using in each case and use them as you invite various guests.
The other very important wedding invitation etiquette is including your full name along with your fiances. Don't forget the date of your wedding, the venue, location and even the time of the wedding. It is common to forget mentioning the venue of your reception and time especially if you are inviting a few people to your reception. Ensure you use fonts that are acceptable while typing of the invitations or if writing, black ink is generally accepted.Yes, in my opinion it is very important to write wedding invitations that conform to etiquette but there are far more tips you have to know for your wedding. The right tips help you to save a lot of money and avoid wedding-crashing mistakes.